- towin@rastra.in
+91 98636 36336
About us

Helping Democracy Win

Our Values
Importance of Political consulting

Political consulting has a big role to play in the winning of elections for the political parties. There were times when ballot boxes were used and paper stickers, cards, banners, public address systems in rickshaws, etc. were used for promoting candidates in the election fray. The reaching out to electorate has undergone a sea change in the last decade. The advent of technology, privatization of media and the exhaustive use of social media have changed the dynamics of winning an election. There were times when PCO’s were the only way villagers could communicate on a phone; now millions of villagers carry a smart phone. They are now aware of happenings not just in the country but around the world. The whole dynamics of ‘getting in touch’ or ‘ways of influencing minds’ has now become complex and if we use technology to our benefit, it is very facilitating at the same time. Apart from the changed scenario in which the electorate operates, we have to take into account the rules and regulations set up by the election commission too.
Those times are gone when people used to blindly vote on a favourable wave created for a party. Now, winning an election is a proper management of several factors that need to be found through research, surveys and strategies are to be formulated alongwith the right media publicity and flawless execution of the promotional strategy.
Professional political consulting is one sure way to scientifically reach out to the masses within the legal framework of the country. Not only does political consulting services of Rastra maximize the reach of your political agenda but also assures you a mind share of the electorate through strategically creating campaigns that appeal to the mindset of the economically and socially diverse population.
Our team has identified 7 factors that influence or tilt the balance of power:
- Welfare schemes
- Social engineering
- Development
- Organizational competence
- Image/Public perception
- Money power
- CM/Chief candidate
How we can help you win elections
Our democracy wins, every time a free and fair election is conducted in our country. Another vital aspect is the winning of right candidates who can guide the country on the path of progress.
Our team of professionals helps you win the elections by planning, organizing and implementing your election campaign in the most effective manner. Strategic management of election starts with segmenting the electorate based on their social, financial, religious and political status. Carrying out thorough research with the help of ground survey, interacting with opinion maker, consultation with leaders from all castes and other methods we try to understand the reasons that will make them prefer one candidate or party over the other. We try to get the pulse of the electorate.